Friday, May 14, 2010

First full day

We started off the day with a tour of all the property. Everything is so beautiful! We came back ate lunch then had some meetings with the staff of the farm. The projects we were assigned are going to be a lot of hard work – I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed. Later in the day our bikes were delivered. Because the farm is soo big we need bikes to get around. The only problem with the bikes was that they were men’s bikes and WAY too tall for all 5 of us girls. Someone ended up taking some of the bikes to exchange them for women’s bikes. It was really fun attempting to ride the bikes though, well more like attempting to get on them- we didn’t do much riding. It was a pretty relaxed day which was good because most of us were extremely tired from all the traveling. It was just what we needed to organize our thoughts for our projects. Tomorrow is going to be even better!

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